Armed Forces Gun For Babus!

All day today, and culminating with a 9.30PM special, on Headlines Today.

The government has buckled and issued a denial of Headlines Today’s report. The show stands — we go on air on Centre Stage @9.30pm, with a preview report on Headlines Tonight, the 8.30pm bulletin. Our sources tell us the heat was simply too much on the Army from the babus, which is why they had no choice but to deny they sent out the memo. The story stands. Like someone said, never believe anything until it’s officially denied! We totally understand that the Army couldn’t take the hit for the memo. At least with all the anti-forces propaganda doing the rounds, this put things on a slightly even 🙂

38 thoughts on “Armed Forces Gun For Babus!”

  1. Good Show, headlines Today and Shiv Aroor!
    So Now the”CAT” is out of the bag!Lets pin down the culprit and make a specimen out of ‘Him’/’Her’.B’coz the act amounts to ‘Subversion’
    Media in fact is the ‘Forth State’

  2. Hi Shiv,
    Is there an online streaming?Why dont u broadcast hindi version in Aaj tak so that it can reach the large hindi audience of ex servicemen.Please post program details of aaj tak or online video streaming as we dont get Headlines today here

  3. Gentlemen, this creation and subsequent leakage of the so called letter is all a ploy by the babooz to show that the Armed Forces are getting desperate. Thankfully this denial by the Armed Forces through the officially available recourse has taken the wind out of the sail of these IAS guys who as of now are ****ting in their pants at the thought of restoration of the Prestige of the Armed Forces

  4. saw your report shiv. for the first time i can say i am proud of you. good work. armed forces good. babus bad. keep it like that always.

  5. What new?? crap story…why doesnt this Aroor ask the services that have they been vocal, shown jointmanship and unionism for any other cause other than this….this is for money, so people like Aroor are used for plants, but what about other causes plaguing the services…get them also done just like this by cutting out the bureaucracy!!!

  6. rahul kanwal looks aged despite make-up and Gaurav looks like as if he wants to say something else, but something else comes out of his mouth, totally lost. The loser did nothing even in Express, and Aroor, lose some weight and do away with that goatee. You look like a runaway convict from jail!!

  7. Comparing Sam Manekshaw with the present Chiefs??? how shameful???? how can you compare the sky with dirt on ground.

  8. vishnu bhagwat was excellent on the show shiv, but you guys shoudl have given more time to surjit singh. he has more insights than bhagwat who is ultimately damaged goods.

  9. Anon @ 11.46 pm, do you want to hear what they talk about you in your absence. Should I spill the beans right here or will you meet separately to listen to it all. Should I disclose what happened in Goa??

  10. all these “anon’s” who are BSing about armed forces chiefs can never understand how much they went through to get their.

    for a servicemen his rank, seniority and prestige is more than his life.

    When you subject such selfless people to humiliation by making their pay scale less then comparative a-hole civil serpents, you cant imagine how they feel.

    how anyone will fell when his salary as an engineer is less then his office guard?

    Feel what they felt when they were humiliated with such peanut salary increment as compared to other civil serpents.

    They give their life without asking one question, and people argue that they shouldn’t work for money and should work for the love of their country?????

    How many of you will give your life for 40K a month??? anyone?
    why, doesn’t anyone love his country now or you want more money???

    what they do is selfless and what they want is little respect for what they do (which is reflected in how they are treated by their employers, that is India).

    anyone questioning the locality of armed forces should look into mirror first.

  11. Shekar and his breed of journalists would have done great service to society, had they done a holistic review of the 6 CPC.

    Can the nation’s economy sustain the 6 CPC largessees to all alike. None can deny the glaring gap’s between the IAS (Indian Arrogant Service) and the Armed Forces/others. In particular, when the AM ADMI is struggling unable to bear the bruden of 6 CPC.

    The lesson of history is simple: “politico-bureaucratic-judicial-security forces-private industry overstretch” beyond economic sustenance capability will certainly collapse.

    How can one justify the President’s pay to be raised to Rs.1.5 lakhs per month, when almost everything in the Rashtrathi Bhavan is free of cost? Similarly, all the big wigs in all fields, be it be politicians, judges, industrialists, bureaucrats or security forces?

    Is there a lesson to be learnt from the financial meltdown in USA for India? It is clearly coming out that the Financial Institutions have gone bankrupt due to extravaganza’s indulged by their higher level functionaries in the way of “pay, perks and more importantly on “Week-end Retreats” in holiday resorts at exorbitant costs?

    “Lean and mean” applies to every one alike – not the poor AM ADMI only.

    Shekar may like to do a piece on the “Fast Flying Return” points clamour by the IAS lobby. In today’s video conferencing availability, is there a need to fly into Delhi, in some cases, twice in a Week. Moreover, why should the airlines extend it to individuals? It should go to the Government kitty or no kitty?

    As regards the Armed Forces, the damage was done long ago by lowering the Order of Precedence of Chiefs below that of the IAS brood. It is quite stupid that a Brigadier with 24 years service should be lower in order to the DC of District? One can go on adding many such anamolies. In particular, when the IAS only knows how to boss from their AC chambers or Cars?

    urs – GB

  12. Dear Aroor,
    I missed the programme. Can you post jist of the programme , points and counter points.

    So far staua and equivalance in the Armed Forces is Concerned, Armed Forces are partially to be blamed for accepting the MOD order on the issue.
    It is fundamantal principle of Natural Justice that No one can pass a Judgement and an order on himself or on matters effecting himself.

    Various orders of MoD on the equivalance of Service officers are malafide and bad in law because that alters or effects their own status. Past orders such as Rank Pay not being takn into account for fixing inter departmental senirities etc effects the equivalane between service officers and Babus in MOD.

    Hence Mod passing such orders is malfide and bad in law.

    The three Chiefs must categorically ask the GoM or the CAT or the Supreme Court to restore all equivalance and Status as per Warrant of Precedence of 1952.

    That is their legal and Fundamantal right and Not “disobidience / mutiny”.

    Basic issues need to be set right.


  13. The bottomline is “The Armed Forces do all the dirty work of the nation whereas the IAS and IPS do the dirty work for the politicians”. How then can they be displeased by the stinking policos?

  14. There is a Stinking smell of a hidden agenda in this entire episode, against services, I pity those service people who can’t understand this, Amen !!

  15. As if the services dont have an agenda. Dont underestimate them please, above anon. The service Chiefs are the biggest politicians themselves which is why this check is required by the babus, and if need arises to cut them down to size also.

  16. great article…as for the guys who feel we should not be paid,,,,,see what happens if it does not come through…..

  17. To All the Dear Babus,

    The status of the armed Forces is required to be above you all because when you all fail, the armed Forces are required to act.

    A Lt Gen of the Armed Forces id required to be above the DGP of the Police because Armed Forces will come to play when the DGP has failed.

    How can a failed person give command to the Armed Forces? How Can affiliated Secretary of the State ;lord over him.

    It is also required that way because Babus and Police all have Political, caste, creed and and even religious affiliations . You all as DGPs and Chief Secys of the states are Capable of acting as enemies of the Indian Union.

    It is keeping those eventualities in Mind that a Corps Commander as a Lt Gen is required to be the boss and not subverted GDP or State Secy.

    It must sink into your mind that Armed Forces are the final instruments of the union. You are unreliable but the Armed Forces are not. they are required to take control of AIS and IPS Subversions in the states and not the other way round.

    You are visualized as mutineers which you all are and Not the Armed Forces. In the end, Jai Hind will be shubed up yours by the Armed Forces. Armed Forces have done that in many states. Be a little educated to know some contemporary history. look at what is happening in Orissa. DGP is being reshuffled like cards in the pack. When they fail and Army moves in, you expect the Army to take orders from the DGP. You all are mad. Army will loose lives so that on restration of situation another does could be posted to create another Kandhmal or something else.

    Otherwise, what is the need of equations. where are you and where are Armed forces. Not near each other.

    You all have been taken in by MOD parochial and shortsighted Babus. Advise them to stop the fracas in greater national Interest.

    IF that much does not sink into your prejudiced minds then you all are not worth being IAS and IPS.

    Jai Hind.

    @other .

    Fight a war for the Nation and not yourselves..please

  18. Some Anonimous said:
    “The service Chiefs are the biggest politicians themselves which is why this check is required by the babus, and if need arises to cut them down to size also.”

    My Dear Annonimous MoD Babu,
    Chaeack is required on every one i understand but the chek on the Services Cahief is to be exercised by the RM. PM and the Parliamnet and not a bloody poen promoted to be a babu or a graduate who has become an IAS because he belongs to a caste or Creed and posted in MoD.
    Every tom dick and harry in Def finace and Mod fancies about this control and has a big orgasm on it.

    Where is it written in the your charter of dities that you will blunt the sword of the Indian union. That what you virtually have been doing without much success….

    Actually below JS leval you all do not have much to make and that is why your frustrated minds always remain focused on cutting other to size…
    Had you all babus been in soe othe Economic aor rich ministeries or even in a Thanas as constables…You would not have had time to Day dream and bite Armed Forces like mad Dogs…. When a uniformed people in Soth Block and Sena bahvan have their quite lunch you all bark at the square. When Armed Forces raise their demands in desciplined manner through the Chiefs…you bark more aloud faerful of the Dogs terrotory…

    My dear MOD Babu..the soldier is a better citizen of mother Inda than you…

    Want to have referrendum on this issue..
    better shut your barking backside…

    JS and above are fighting for thier profitable turfs…

    That is it….
    But 1.7 million Armed foreces of the nation is suffering

    You traitors and anti natioanl elements….

  19. Some Anonimous said:
    “The service Chiefs are the biggest politicians themselves which is why this check is required by the babus, and if need arises to cut them down to size also.”

    My Dear Annonimous MoD Babu,
    Chaeack is required on every one i understand but the chek on the Services Cahief is to be exercised by the RM. PM and the Parliamnet and not a bloody poen promoted to be a babu or a graduate who has become an IAS because he belongs to a caste or Creed and posted in MoD.
    Every tom dick and harry in Def finace and Mod fancies about this control and has a big orgasm on it.

    Where is it written in the your charter of dities that you will blunt the sword of the Indian union. That what you virtually have been doing without much success….

    Actually below JS leval you all do not have much to make and that is why your frustrated minds always remain focused on cutting other to size…
    Had you all babus been in soe othe Economic aor rich ministeries or even in a Thanas as constables…You would not have had time to Day dream and bite Armed Forces like mad Dogs…. When a uniformed people in Soth Block and Sena bahvan have their quite lunch you all bark at the square. When Armed Forces raise their demands in desciplined manner through the Chiefs…you bark more aloud faerful of the Dogs terrotory…

    My dear MOD Babu..the soldier is a better citizen of mother Inda than you…

    Want to have referrendum on this issue..
    better shut your barking backside…

    JS and above are fighting for thier profitable turfs…

    That is it….
    But 1.7 million Armed foreces of the nation is suffering

    You traitors and anti natioanl elements….

  20. the overwhelming repose of Indian junta against baboos is itself an evidence that who is right and who is wrong.

    when the shit hits the fan, its our armed forces which saves the day for us, not any of these a-hole baboos.

    they have bought only corruption, anarchy and communal tension in a country like India which prides itself on peace, harmony and unity in diversity.

    This Nation is with you my Army-men, its time to kick some baboo butt. We have an enemy inside, crush it.


  21. Read Wot is happening in ASSAM………………
    Refugees to return only under army cover
    Nirmalya Banerjee | TNN
    Bhaktapara (Darrang): In villages like Bhaktapara, Kalitapara and Puniya, it is a peculiar scene — there are only men around. There are neither women nor children. No clatter of utensils or wailing of infants. Only an eerie silence, broken by the footfall of the grim-faced men who have stayed back to protect their homes.
    For fear of attacks, the women and children have fled to the security of relief camps that have come up in Darrang district in the wake of the past three days of rioting. And they are not willing to return to their villages in a hurry. They trust neither police nor the district administration, nor even the central paramilitary forces. They want the army to set up camps in the disturbed villages before they return.

  22. Shiv considering the fact that you’ve started going for every shitty coverage these days, how come nothing here on today’s IAF Day parade? Or didnt you go as it was too early in the morning?

  23. If you guys have not noticed, then do so now , when you go to punjab ,it is the the police that gets all the respect & shoon shan not the dc , after the troubled time the police has not permitted the ias to come in control of the adminstration . he can keep on barking but the excutive does what he feels like, they have not forgotten the bottom pinching , it was not as simple as it looked, but let them keep thinking

  24. No new post??? why what happened? whats the latest on the pay commission and the armed forces fight against babus, Shiv, or are you too busy sorting out your own mess which has commenced after the court summmons came in for your incorrect story that you did in February, and which has dragged in your bosses into it?

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