“BAE has admitted that they had made a mistake here, here and here. They were gracious, and now we are back on track,” Major said. He also clarified that the “rusted” spares that had been widely reported in newspapers following the Hawk crash, was the erroneous noting of a team that had observed some discoloration of some pipe components, and had nothing to do with rust.
“The accident that happened had nothing to do with these problems. The court of inquiry report is yet to be completed and brought to our notice,” the Chief said.
In an interesting revelation, the Chief spoke out for the first time about the air force’s MAFI programme. The Modernisation of Air Field Infrastructure programme proposes to upgrade and comprehensively network, initially, 38 airfields (both in use and inactive) and bring them up to levels where they can handle all manner of aviation. Following this, all other airfields will be standardised to a prescribed standard, the parameters of which will be defined in the first phase of MAFI.
The Chief also spoke about the LCA engine problem and how it doesn’t meet IAF requirements and new revelations about fresh parameters set for urban warfare, and presented to the government for consideration
I will be posting a full interview transcript here shortly.
I missed it today also….will have to read it here only in that case.
But Shiv you’re looking very smart in that coat….you look very smart in formal clothes
shiv u need to reduce weight. looking way too podgy. cut down on the drinking.
What are these mistakes that BAE is admitting to? On one hand you say that BAE has admnitted to its mistakes and on the other, the Air Chief calls rusting, discolouration !
Who is t be blamed and what were the serviceability problems and one more thing Shiv, when you’re calling BAE admitting thier mistake, whatever it is, then why did you say in your TV story that the crash was a pilot error.
Are you trying to say that the crash was actually pilot error but otherwise the aircraft also had had defects according to BAE as shown in your interview.
Pl clarify this by answering….who is to be blamed, who has taken money from Vayu Bhawan, since you had the accident report, was it tampered with? etc
Shiv, why does anon at 8.43 pm say that you’re drinking too much? Have you been drinking too much, if so why?What problem you have.Are you sad.But you have everything, then why are you sad.
Pl don’t be sad Shiv…be happy and stop drinking…I dont find you fat…you look good anyway.You’re not fat…you look smart, but dress formal more often, like you used to earlier in your Express days.
Where is the interview transcript, Shiv ? Waiting..waiting…waiting…