I will be at the MAKS 2007 air show in Zhukovsky, Russia from August 20-25. Will keep the blog updated with photos and anything else interesting there. It’s an enormous show, so there’s going to be lots to post. Have also got myself a flight in a MiG-35. And the Su-35 will be unveiled for the first time. So, stay tuned.
lucky bugger!!
Dear Shiv-ji,
Though i have not been replying to the posts written by you,I visit “livefist” everyday to check new updates along with “Bharat-rakshak.com”…. I will be eager to view updates and info’s on “MAKS 2007” and also regarding “PAK-FA” programme…
Congratulations Mr. Shiv. From my side, I may kindly request you to inquire about the PAK-FA program, and its progress. If possible, you may please inquire about funding and India’s role (whatever) in the program.
I personally hope that India’s role in PAK-FA is limited to funding only, so that the indigenous MCA gets priority.
Thank you.
In Soviet Russia, Flanker unveils YOU!!!
Sorry, I couldn’t resist 😛
wow that sounds soooo cool. but cuida te
Shiv please ask if we are getting new radars and missiles for our su-30 MKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!