More Photos Of The Tejas PV6 First Flight

* jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
* Copyright 2012 WooThemes
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* Contributing author: Tyler Smith (@mbmufffin)

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3 thoughts on “More Photos Of The Tejas PV6 First Flight”

  1. I strongly believe that there is total disconnect between what IAF needs and what products are developed and what are the needs. There has been also apathy of the HAL to develop on its own as selection process itself use to take more than a decade and precisely 2 decades for AJT. Developing HPT 40 on its funding is a bold step by HAL as they are developing it from their money. The basic trainer is a very basic technology and more sophisticated plane P 51 mustang was developed in barely 19 months when america was lagging in aircraft technology as compared to Germans and Japanese.They quickly tested it and changed the engine to Merlin engine and a world beater was born that changed the course of the war.That time that was cutting edge technology and untested . Seventy years on this technology is well known and if there is delay in getting a prototype then HAL is definitely to be blamed as they would then prove they have only have screw driver technology. IJT is an example where HAL had done miserably and it seems IAF now no longer believes HAL. The IJT design is faulty and they should have chosen a reliable engine like Honeywell F 124 engine which is light , reliable and well tested and has lot of components which are common with F 125 which would be used in jaguar. It is very important that HAL uses the same Pratt and Whitney engine used in Pilutus trainer so that maintenance crew has less headache of training the maintenance crew and less of inventory . LCA is a different bird and to reach that level of sophistication requires time but a delay of a decade for developing IJT is unpardonable.It is very important that if a country aspires to be a world power it has to develop domestic products and by the end of the 2015 HAL has to devlop production versions of HPT 40 , IJT and LCA Mark 2 and if they fail to deliver on time a private builder be given a chance and HAL be just kept as a screw driver assembly shop to assemble the kits whether they be domestic or imported.

  2. Arre Yar some decades back we were only making old bullock carts during which time they were making aircrafts and tanks (they made say 86000 tanks or aircrafts each) further when majority of them were fighting bloody wars majority of us were on Satyagraha when they were studying Physics and Chemistry we were busy with palmistry and astrology give Indians some to recoup then ask for results we will excell have patience

  3. Gripen NG or any G is the ideal immediate replacement for Mig 21.Let us go and get it in sufficent numbers for a minimum 10 squadrons

    Tejas can be used for comic relief – to showcase our so called capabilities and keeping the pulic sector boys in good humor .

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