Greetings to YOU.
They say all good things come to an end. Truly so, I am sitting down to write the final mail as the Chief of Media Communications and Official Spokesperson of HAL. I am sure, for many of YOU this mail will be a big surprise, for some it could be on the expected lines, and for others it will be just another mail.
November 10, 2009 is my last working day with HAL. I joined HAL on August 8, 2005 and would be completing four years and three months and three days, when I finally bid goodbye. Not many would know that I was on an annual contract and I was given a three months notice by HAL. My colleague in Delhi, Mr. Ashwin Raj, Media Affairs Co-ordinator, is signing-off today, November 9, 2009. Rest of the team members had left us last year after completing their contractual obligations and took up permanent jobs in newspapers.
Ashwin and I are getting out of HAL at a time when the job scenario outside is extremely bleak following recession and its fall-out. But then we didn’t have any choice. Ashwin & I had joined HAL from The Times of India, Bangalore. The one-to-one rapport I built with thousands of employees and officers across HAL and the love and support I received over the years for all our initiatives, especially Minsk Square Matters (MSM), is something that I will cherish for a lifetime. Sitting in one room in HAL Corporate Office, I could feel ‘Your’ pulse and aspirations and we tried our best to make the world know that here’s an HAL that’s propelled by people power and not just machine might.
I will miss your constant phone calls, emails, letters, SMSes – something that triggered my passion constantly. Like YOU, I will miss MSM. With ‘Your’ support, we brought up MSM like a child, and today when it has started walking and running, it’s creator in me has to bid goodbye. As Dr. Kalam wished, MSM found a special place in the heart and soul of YOU all. And despite all this, if YOU are still wondering why I have to leave, I request YOU to treat it as yet another unanswered mystery of our times. Be honest, straightforward and always speak out, if YOU are confident that YOU are right.
Thank YOU for a patient reading. Thank YOU for investing faith in Corporate Communications. Thank YOU for giving me an opportunity to serve YOU. I will miss YOU.Best Wishes.
Anantha Krishnan M.
AK will be leaving hal with his trademark MSM inhouse newsmag! Eventhough you have given a hint about his exit in your blog it has come as a surprise. he has succeeded in connecting ppl of different HAL divisions ,which is absolutely a necessity for a huge org like HAL,because the left hand doesnt know what the right is doing with out such PR person!i am quite annoyed at his axing,how can ppl manning HAL do not see the merits of having ppl like AK with his experience.Hope better sense will prevail upon and his contract will be extended. HAL officers associations and worker unions should fight for his case .He deserves to be on HAL rolls with freedom of expression! good luck AK.
It defies logic why,when in such competitive times while HAL slowly prepares to enter the international turf, where every bit of publicity counts, is the corporate communication / media cell being wound up?
Which chairman of an organization could be harebrained enough?
that too when HAL should be on the media offensive to salvage the Dhruv out of th Ecuadorian mess.
We wave hardly seen any charms from HAL
I love the douche bags that say whatever they want and pass judgment without a bit of wisdom. If you confident in your opinion, why don't you post who and where you are.
James from midwest
Dear Anant
It is indeed sad that your stint with HAL has come to an end. Your work for MSM and Plane will speak for itself for years to come. I hope HAL continues on what you have started over there.
That said, I do wonder what HAL had in its mind when they let you go. Doesnt really give me any comfort knowing how things usually work out.
It's indeed sad, to see Mr. AK leave. It's not everyday that an organisation gets a man as their PRO, who joined them for the sake of his own dedication and love towards the organisation, rather than few odd bucks you get at a PSU. It's as stupid as it gets.
Dear AK,
I have not seen you but have been reading MSM edited by you. We are all really saddened to know that you have left us. Your writings and care for people will be remembered for a long time. What's the mystery of our times as mentioned in your mail. Sir, we want to know why you left us? You made a difference and that's what matters is most. We will miss you.
May God be with you.
SJN, Koraput
Farewell and godspeed AK !
Dhruv, may your international stint rest in peace !
The current times at HAL reminds me of the license raj, TADA and OSA days. So typical of the party in power. What a royal regression !
It is very myopic of HAL to have let you go AK at a time when things are changin rapidly!
Your accomplishments speak for you. You should have gone places at HAL, but you WILL go places. Time will tell, and very best to you.
This post has made it to Stephen Trimbles DEW Line blog at Flight Global
Last Anon: Thanks for the heads-up. Though Steve has misspelt my blog name!