I asked DRDO chief Dr VK Saraswat about the Nirbhay cruise missile programme yesterday. He says the subsonic cruise vehicle technology demonstrator, being built with some minor collaboration with Israel (no major systems), has not yet reached system integration stage. However the Hyderabad-based Advanced Systems Laboratory (an ASL team visited Israel in November last year) has completed design of the propulsion system and the full aerodynamic study. Dr Saraswat has said that the ASL will be able to “show something” soon. A couple of sources I spoke to later said a mock-up of the Nirbhay is likely to debut at AeroIndia 2011. A mobile autonomous launcher for the Nirbhay is currently being developed by the Pune-based Research & Development Establishment (Engineering).
PhotoArt ©Shiv Aroor / LiveFist
amazing stuff. please provide more details.
Nirbhay is a cruise missile…. WOw…I thought that it was more of A2A or some thing…
Good work …do you have the details of the range of it.May be we can finally get rid of the 300kms range limit of Bhramos….Nice!!
Also …shiv could you remove the Captcha …it is really irritating.
Use the default spam catcher from blogspot
superb reporting shiv…..
Typical DRDO chest-thumping…
1)"I can say that our technology is maturer than theirs." — So how is it that the Chinks already have longer range missiles whereas we are still busy with the cutting pliers building a 5000km missile?!!
2)"And of course, there is no comparison at all with Pakistan. We are technologically way ahead of them." — Really? how is it that the Paks have a tomahawk-style cruise missile(BABUR)already, whereas we are still seeing only sketches & mock-ups of our cruise missile?!!
Earlier it was reported that Nirbhay has a range of 1500 km! Still better than nothing.
Great effort Aroor.
So while Pak has already inducted Babur CM, we are yet to complete a mock up of Nirbhay. Great going!
Babur missile is a copy of a Tomahawk that was destoryed in the northern part of Pakistan which landed up with the Chinese well all know how and then reverse engineered. the Chinese are good at doing that
Nice artwork, Shiv! Notice how the Indian systems have such a characteristic look, all of them – from Agni to Nirbhay. 🙂
Yeah, Shiv uncle…remove the CAPTCHA…I already had two swear words hurled at me in the name of CAPTCHA…
To Anon@3:10 AM: It doesn't matter from where Pak got Babur. If a war breaks out today, all that matters that Pak has it and we dont. This is all history will remember.
Yeah and for every Babur of theirs, we have many Brahmos. History remembers a lot, mostly that Pakistan has lost every war it has fought with India.
For all of DRDOs delays, when they remark about something they have done, its their own to talk about, in contrast Pakistani cannot make a screw on its own, and has to divert all its loans for expensive second grade imports. Because no sensible country would give Pak its best.
Its range will be 1000 Kms and scheduled to be test fired this april.
vow vow
@TheHistoryGuy, 3:55 : i wdnt be so arrogant. If any of our neighbours decide to declare an open war on us. We are going to be in significantly deep shit because they are sure as hell gonna be tight with each other, whether openly or not remains to be seen.
@TheHistoryGuy, 3:55 : i wdnt be so arrogant. If any of our neighbours decide to declare an open war on us. We are going to be in significantly deep shit because they are sure as hell gonna be tight with each other, whether openly or not remains to be seen.