Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Sureesh Mehta met Defence Minister AK Antony on Monday to discuss the various new anomalies that have allegedly cropped up in the special pay instructions issued by the MoD in mid-October to the three services. He has personally conveyed to Antony that the instructions contain anomalies and deviations that did not exist before, and are over and above the four core demands that the Chiefs of Staff Committee has placed before the Group of Ministers. The two main points are of course the redefinitions of
Rank Pay and
Military Service Pay. Antony has apparently said he’ll “look into these”. Don’t know how that’s going to work out. Will the seven anomalies be added to the terms of reference of the GoM? Unlikely. So now what?
What all you will look into,sir.
Theres no point conveying to RM. Situation clearly shows the attitude of this govt.The RM either does not have spunks to kick the Def Secy for clear insubordination of orders or this Govt has a bunch of illiterate jokers who cant read into the designs of these bureaucrats and wish this country to go to dogs.Wake up India the cream of your armed forces are quitting and if the bureacrats are not kicked now this nation will pay a heavy price for it.
Quitting ..quitting…I am sick …
That is what they want you all to do …throw the towel in the ring.. I sometimes wonder if SSB did a mistake with many cribbers.. and quitters..Quit now and today..those who are convinced quit and no one can stop them…
Do you think any one buys that in this country where people sell for Rs ten. The leaders in this country, the Civil Servants, the industrialists the zamindaaras, all exploit the enormity of numbers. The politicians require them only one day in five years..the Civil Servants never require them, the industrialists and other employers are flooded with them…
You as “Security Guard”, what they call you, without realizing what they themselves are, has no role to play in this vast ocean of corruption, money making, criminality, cast-ism, regionalism and vote bank politics. You can not make or mar the service of a peon leave aside and IAS.
But there is never hellish depths if you are good souls. First understands why it is so, then know what is to be done and finally do it..
Stand up you fallen men with your head high. Be Counted rather than perish as the Country, society and the space belongs equally to you as to any other bastard…
Quitting..who ever taught you..then you are not being worth in the Armed Forces… earlier you quit the better…
Screw those who screw you. If you can not win internally what will you do exernally… I am sanguine the real fighter’s voice is still far away from this Internet.. the day it reaches him, am afraid things are going to be bad ..and real bad for our tormentors.
One may not be able to convince an infantry soldier, a fighter or a naval warrior so easily…. they do not ever use the word quit…
I say again.. if one has spunks in his balls…stand and be counted… Quit Kare Hamara Dushman…. why we…
Pay…IDSA will realise their so called finacial control will crumle if these people really come to that….
yaar what a thing:
All officers in Armed Forces Service HQ:
Make an attendence register…dot at time and late by ten minutes means half day leave gone.
* be strict in your demands on output.
* never be liberal on their CR..
All fault is yours..you do not exercise your control properly and then cry on such a situation..
you all want to be goody goody and they backstab you at every stage and evry where..
Do you require govt order for it…
Do it from tommorrow…follow proper govt rules… anintain descipline… stop this bloody practice of employing the service personnel and officers for doing fine job and they conspiring and writting long and even longer comments on services..
Who can stop you from desciplining them…or throw then out…
make a small begining…
Do not lend your ass…make those CSO do their job…
yaar what a thing:
All officers in Armed Forces Service HQ:
Make an attendence register…dot at time and late by ten minutes means half day leave gone.
* be strict in your demands on output.
* never be liberal on their CR..
All fault is yours..you do not exercise your control properly and then cry on such a situation..
you all want to be goody goody and they backstab you at every stage and evry where..
Do you require govt order for it…
Do it from tommorrow…follow proper govt rules… anintain descipline… stop this bloody practice of employing the service personnel and officers for doing fine job and they conspiring and writting long and even longer comments on services..
Who can stop you from desciplining them…or throw then out…
make a small begining…
Do not lend your ass…make those CSO do their job…
Very poor show. Not up to the mark at all. These things should be addressed promptly, and not in this wishywashy fashion. And the men in uniform should be informed of what is being done.
Very poor leadership. Who will bell the cat when it comes to the rage developing amongst service personnel?
I agree.
General Kapoor must address the despair in the officer corps promptly.
The real fighter, poor fellow, doesn’t even have this blog as a means to express his anguish. He is too busy getting killed…
I am sure no commissioned officer worth his honour is going to be provoked with impunity.
The Chiefs have taken a stand. “Let’s see how the delebrations go”. Let’s not jump the gun. Thats not to say that the provocation is not there – it’s just that our governing machinery is not so cut and dried to justify an impulsive response from the Officer Corps.
A clear cut case should be made, stating examples of the repeated disobedience of govt orders, and repeated attemtps to interfere with military pay and compensation to progressively reduce civilian influence in service matters and MoD.
This episode should be used by the armed forces to nudge the civvies out of the MoD, and demand a fully integrated MoD with a CDS at its head, under the Raksha Mantri.
It should be emphasised that IDAS, IDES, IDSE, AFHQCS, IOFS, GREF, BSF, SSB, ITBP, and AR were created as subordinate and supporting services to aid the armed forces in their work, and not to tell them how to do it. A strong case must be made for all these services to be placed under the CDS General Staff, with CDS as the Cadre Controlling Authority.
Now is the perfect moment to do it, when the civilians have overreached themselves. COSC must take a strong stand in this line, and the civvies will soon find that they have shot themselves in the foot.
A case can also be made that DRDO can be placed under a two tiered command system, with SA to RM reporting to the Raksha Mantri, but seperate divisions being created under the CDS, such as DRDS (Ground Forces), (Maritime Forces), (Air Force). This is essential so that a strategic, rather than tunneled vision developing. SA to RM can be responsible for providing a strategic impetus to the Defence Research Program.
ICG must be placed under direct chain of command of the CDS.
In all this civilian-bureaucrat fracas, its been forgotten that all these services were created as supports to the armed forces. If they are becoming hinderances, they must be shown the door, because the National Security is at stake.
Minimum and first action: Sack the Cabinet and Defence Secretaries.
The forces are getting restless and impatient and thats a dangerous portent.Its like the anticpation before a battle which puts you on edge.The government can still rectify things but it should begin by sacking Defence Secretary who has utterly failed in his duties of being an interface and has let his personal loyalties to his service overshadow everything.
The delay is nothing but a devious move to :
a) Tire the Armed forces out &
b) Institute some more Malicious SAIs so that you confuse the hell out of the Ministers.
Isn't it wierd that when the 6PC has removed the concept of Rank pay an SAI is originated by MoD which mischieviously redifines the status of an obsolete pay compnent.
Does this mean that the fixation of pension of alll those who retired prior to this defination is wrong.
Does this mean that the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Maj Dhanapalan was malafide.
There is one solution to this. The Army should constitute an Internal enquiry on who was personnaly responsible for this and send the report to the PM/RM with a leak to the media.
Can u interview the Three ministers and ask for a fixed date.
More effective will be Soniaji!
How can we request the PM to ‘GET IT OVER and DONE WITH’ and move ahead as the Country has other pressing matters to attend to like ATF and oil bonds!
Reverting the IAS Directors to PB3 with Grade pay of 7600 along the Lt Col will actually solve everything and save the govt a lot of money too!
@Anon at5:03 PM
You have hit the nail at the head.In fact that is the solution!
Only one question…. Can even one of us clearly state as to what action HE will take in case, justice is again denied to us ???Inaction will only prove us as COWARDS and if we ACT I shudder to think….Either way it would be a sad day for this nation which we will continue to love & safeguard, Parity or no Parity… And for god's sake stop using academy lingo here,this isn't the right forum.
Dear Honorable GoM on anomalies of Armed forces Pay,
The Bureaucracy is all set to grind the Armed Forces of the Country to dust as is evident from their treatment of MSP. The treatment of MSP as dispensed by the Pay commission is as follows.
page 14, para1.2.21
Performance of duties beyond the normal call should, in the revised Scheme of things, result in higher performance related incentive. The specific problems faced by defence forces personnel on account of rigours of military life are, however, proposed to be compensated by an additional element of pay termed Military Service Pay (MSP).
page 51, para 2.2.22 (vii)
An employee in higher grade pay will be senior to an employee in lower grade pay. In case of employee drawing the same grade pay, priority should be governed by total emoluments drawn, including NPA in the case of doctors and MSP in case of defense personnel.
page 52 para 2.3.13
Military service pay shall count as pay for all purposes except for computing the annual increments. However the status of the Defense Forces officers will be determined by the grade pay attached to their post as in the case with civilians.
page 76 para 2.3.11
Once the officer switches over to the CPMFs, MSP………will be counted for fixation of pay….
What does the above mean:
MSP is pay for all purposes except for calculating increments. This is wrong stipulation as on promotion to Maj gen MSP becomes part of pay and thereafter is part of being taken into account for calculating future increment. If it is treated so for Maj gens why not for people below them. Similarly it was stipulated by the Pay Commission that once the officer switches over to CPMFs, his MSP will be taken into account for fixation of his pay. It means subsequent to that Rs 6000 of his erstwhile MSP becomes eligible for all things including for calculation of annual increment. Why then this treatment to Army officers up to Brigs that their MSP is Chui Mui (untouchable) for calculation annual increment.
Second part that emerges is that, MSP is pay for all purposes including rates of DA, HRA< Transfer Grants, travel intilement and for the purposes of determination of seniority within the same grade.
The definition which The MoD gazette has provided is misleading and does not cover all the above elements of MSP as provided for by the Pay Commission.
MSP is eligible for calculation of annual increments in all other cases but for officers up to Brigadiers it is untouchable. That is simply application of double standards on one element of pay within the same organization and under the same govt.
Kindly set it Right. MSP should be made part of pay for all purposes including for calculation of annual increment as in the case of Maj Gen and above.
Beautiful analysis of MSP.
Fit for judicial interpretation.
Ladies and gentlemen (including those without access to internet) of the Armd Forces,
PM Manmohan Singh is busy, in consultation with Chidambaram, Monetk Singh Ahluwalia, D Subba Rao, C.B. Bhide and industrial tycoons and CMD of every bank tryinto prevent the truth about the Indian financial meltdown from appearing in the media.
Chidambaram is busy reassuring the public from Karaikudi to New Delhi that “fundamentals are sound” yet he pressurises banks to reduce the CRR, interest rates et al so people will take loans and buy stuff like flats and all the goodies that manufacturers cannot sell.
Pranabda, poor Pranabda, at his age is like a marionette. He jumps when Karunanidhi (age 85) flexed his MP muscle and went sort out Sri Lankan Tamils issue (despite the fact that LTTE killed a former Congress (I) PM)and Washington to sign the Indo-US nuclear deal.
Antony, poor man, he was put into the Def Min because someone else wanted it when Pranabda was elevated. He can assure and provide succour to Military Nursing Service (MNS) because most of them are from his “pradesam”. He does not or will not have the time for the Armed Forces as he also has to select Cong (I) candidates for the next election.
Yes, do not quit the Armed Forces and give the IAS (Indian Asinine Service) the satisfaction of having defeated the Indian Armed Forces; what the Pakistanis have not been able to do since 1947.
The Chiefs are helpless.
The Officer Corps is hopeless.
To survive in the Forces, you’ve gotta be dickless!
Shok Shatsra.
Observe 2 Mins Silence!
Dear GoM.
Dear Madame Shushma Nath, IAS, Secretary Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Former Member Secretary, the 6th CPC,
I believe the file of GoM on Armed Forces Pay Anomalies is lying with you. The GoM have wisely and rightly done so. If they have not done so they should do it. Any one who starts the problem must end it. There is a saying in Punjabi “Jo Bole wo Buwa Khole” (the one who replies, then will open the door). Since the all the problems have emanated from your end, You are the best person to solve those now.
Madame, the entire problem has emanated by you not having taken the rank pay into account while preparing the Table given on page 73. Rank pay has been part of basic pay componant since 4th CPC and there is no point eliminating that in 2008 and thereby correct History by degrading eaxch and every rank one step down.
Madame, let us put that aside if it is Controversial. Then Correct the history by going back to the equations of the third CPC. Let that be the bench mark if Rank Pay has become so problematic.
Madame, If you feel Armed Forces made hay after 4th CPC due to Rank pay componant and the injustice needs to be put in order, then please go back and put the things as they were in 1952, just after we gained Independence as per ranks of Precedence in 1952 which was amanded then.
Madame, lots of Cadres including IAS, IPS and other services have made lots of hay under the Sunshine of their own influences and powers, Cadre reviews, and proximity to power. Lots of imbalance have occurred and it is not my case at all to correct history every where and at every step. But why single out rank pay which originated by the desire of Pay Commssions not agreeing to Service proposals. This time around you have not been magnemoious even to consider Service Proposals.
Madame, hence I submit, why have you chosen only the dumb and deaf Armed Forces to be the target for punishment. They have crated least opportunities and avenues under the Sun Shine of Independence. If at all, there has been any progress for them, it was snatched by the greedy competing Bureaucracies right from CCS ti IPS and Upwards.
Madame, please be fare and do not get stuck with IAS phobia of obtaining six years seniority at each and every Armed Forces rank. That ICS phobia earlier needed redressal as Army and ICS worked together upto district levels of administration to maintain “Colony”. It has no meaning now as Army has only MoD IAS to interact with. So the young Army lad bossing over an aged Civil Servant is no longer the real issue any where as it used to be. It has no longer any socio-psychological ramifications needing assidious balance. Armed forces have emerged as the real Armed Forces of the Country no longer officered by the Gora sahib needed to be despised by Kalu Ram, ICS. Do not play Colonial games madame.
Madame, I am well aware, and it is evident how IAS wants to be senior to Lt Col at least by six years at director level. Agreed but his desire has gone a little beyond as he wants to stand above an old Colonel and even older Brigadier of 30 years of Service. Some one rightly observed that IAS have become too Greedy..to attain balance.
Madame, it is high Time, IAS pays respect to Uniformed men older than them in age and Service and not lesser in status, historically or otherwise. The situation now is reverse. The Ganges has started flowing back to Goumukh. Request restore balance as what Consideration Kalu Ram, ICS, needed earlier now is the requirement of Sena Naik, General, of your country.
Madame, balance is the name of game I suppose. Director gets two increments at 13 years of service so he becomes two years senior. His one years training is Service, so he is three years senior. Give him an advantage of one more year. Put Lt Col of 14 years if not 13 years in PB-4. So director remains senior to Lt Cols as per same age profiles. That would bring Director to somewhat Col level. just for three years.
However, give this advantage back to Armed Forces at Brig and Maj Gen level. Grant Maj Gen NFSG to selected officers at 22 years service, which IAS is getting at 16years. Balance must be overall and not only at Director level.
Regarding MSP, if it becomes part of Pay at Maj Gen level for all purpose including future increments, why deny the same privilege to lesser folks who actually deserve it more.MSP becomes part of Basic Pay fixation on induction into CPMF and thereby entiled to every thing but is nothing while in fauzi service. That is not logical and justifiable.
You have been granted a historical opportunity by the GoM. I am sanguine an IAS of your stature will make best use of it to restore confidence in IAS and bring in inter services amity. A human being comes to live to contribute and not for destruction.
Sack the service chiefs first for defiance and misleading against MNS. Every one has got their pay for Oct as per new scales except MNS, courtesy these greedy jokers.
What a joke MSP a special pay graded on the basis of whether officer or BPOR. Can a special pay be graded?
Thank god there is no rep of the armed forces on pay commission, else they would have taken MSP for self of Rs 15000 and for Jawans @ 2000.
@ Anony 5.14PM.
Which country do u belong to? If your Children are protected by Jokers, I doubt their future. Even if u r from IAS, still talk with some respect which appears has not been taught to u by your parents. Where in this world nurses are equal to doctors? I hope you understand the difference between a mechanic and an engineer. If PBORs are paid same pay as officers then who would like to join as officers? It is your armed forces. they die for you. Talk with respect and look inside you, what are you and what are your moral values.
The letter to Ms Sushma Nath requires that one understand the development of ICS( and after that IAS). It also calls for thorough knowledge of the relationship between the Royal Indian Armed Forces and the ICS.
ICS was largely Indianised wherein many Indian Oxans or barristers or Stephenians from rich families would be taken to administer the Colony largely as Babbons what the British would call them. However, British did not part with the Command of the Armed Forces.
Hence, the British Army officer always remained superior “Gora” always Competed, hated and despised by the Indianised ICS, for status, seniority, pay, bungalow and authority.
The sudden independence brought the ICS to fore and leadership to fall on them. But in the Army not many Indians were available to take over. That was good enough for ICS to commence dessimation of the institution which represented “Gora” sahib.
That historical baggage is being carried by ICS and now IAS and they are hell bent on destroying that image which tormented their forefathers (ICS) before independence..Earlier it was for psychological satisfaction and later it bacame a spychopathetic compulsion..Mutiny being the buzz word..as was occuring in post colonial era in the third world…
Not some studies but many of those do exist to establish institututional memories and institutional genetics..taraditions, cultures and ethos. Most marked being in beahavioural Sciences and amangement studies..IAS is just carrying on with that..They finished the task long ago but now they are indulging in sadistic pleasure…without realising they themselves are but a faint shadow of their past ICS….
In the process they are hell bent on destroying another Institution called Indian Armed Forces..without realizing there is no more a “Gora” there…but their own sibling…their own countrymen…
It is unfortunate but it is true… There are problems of balance , equity, adjustments and meeting requirenets of the day but not so acute as to force the IAS to flex their muslces to destroy or what they call as raising to dust…
Such are strange “Games People Play”…. “I am OK you are not OK”…
Alas !!
@ anony, 7:24,
Good observation about difference between officers/men. Who will join as officers if pay scales are equal?
Address of Lt Gen(Retd)SK Sinha
Former Vice Chief and Governor of Assam and J&K.
At a press conference at
New Delhi, 05 Nov 2008
I feel privileged to be invited to address this conference on two important issues, with which I have a very long association. These are emoluments of Army officers and the violence in Assam.
Emoluments of Army Officers
In his address to West Point, President Eisenhower said, "When diplomats fail to maintain peace the soldier is called out to restore peace. When the civil administration fails to maintain order the soldier is called out to restore order. As the Nation's final safeguard, the Army cannot afford a failure in either circumstance. Failure of the Army can lead to national catastrophe, endangering the survival of the Nation." I would urge our decision-makers to ponder over this statement of Eisenhower.
As one who served in the Indian Army both before and after Independence, I would like to apprise you how the emoluments and status of Army officers have been persistently lowered since Independence. Before Independence, the Army got emoluments at par with the ICS and at some points higher than the latter. After Independence the Government brought down the salary of Army officers to the level of IPS officers, with a slight edge for the former. This resulted in our salaries getting considerably slashed. At the time of Independence, I was drawing a salary of Rs 1300 a month which overnight got reduced to Rs 770. Never before or after, have salaries of serving personnel been reduced so arbitrarily. The old salaries of our contemporaries in the ICS and IP were duly protected. No one from the Army went to court or launched any agitation. We accepted this blatant injustice with a stiff upper lip and enthusiastically went to war in Kashmir in which many of my colleagues got martyred. That was in 1947. We must accept that India of today is very different.
The pay equation between Army and Police officers was maintained till the Fourth Pay Commission, when this started being altered to the disadvantage of Army officers. I compliment the three Service Chiefs for doing their bounden duty in taking up the case of the emoluments of Lt Cols and Lt Gens at the highest level. I am surprised that some journalists, ignorant of facts have been critical of the Army and the Chiefs on this score.
I do not wish to bother you with details. I understand that to scuttle the case of Lt Cols, a red herring of comparing them with Deputy Commandants of Para Military Forces, has been raised. The latter till recently were Class 2 officers and even today are not at par with IPS officers. Moreover, the role and responsibility of the Army is different from that of the Para Military. As for Lt Gens, they got higher emoluments and held higher status than the Chief of Police of a State. That equation is also now sought to be altered to the disadvantage of the Army.
In 1973 Manekshaw was appointed Field Marshal. As Adjutant General I took up the case of the salary of Field Marshal with the Government. It took the Babus 33 years to take a decision and finally Manekshaw got his arrears of Rs 1.2 crores in 2007. The Defence Secretary handed over a cheque for that amount to him. Soon after, I met Manekshaw in the hospital, when he was on a ventilator. I congratulated him. He smiled and in his imitable way said that a Babu had given him a cheque but he was not sure if that cheque would be honoured.
Not only in terms of emoluments but also protocol, the position of Army officers has been persistently lowered after Independence. This applies to the Army Chief downwards and often this has been done afterr the Army has fought a war successfully. The protocol status of a Field Marshal has not yet been fixed in the Table of Precedence because Babudom wants to preserve the higher status of the Bara Babu, the Cabinet Secretary. When our first Field Marshal passed away recently, only a Minister of State attended the funeral. When the first British Field Marshal, the Duke of Wellington, passed away, Heads of States , Ambassadors, Prime Minister and Ministers attended his funeral. Such a cavalier approach of our rulers to the Army, aptly described by Eisenhower as the Nattion's ultimate weapon, is not in our national interest.
The shocking serial bomb blasts in Assam, the other day, in which over 81 innocent people got killed is a sad reflection on the functioning of the Government which has reduced India to a very soft State. Terrorists have been attacking city after city and our rulers issue only inane statements. In the case of Assam, the Nation is being made to suffer self-inflicted wounds. Way back in the Sixties, forty years ago the then Governor of Assam, B K Nehru, and his Chief Minister B P Chaliha wanted to take measures against the influx of illegal migrants and took up the matter with the Centre. They were told to stop the nonsense. B K Nehru was from the dynasty, a cousin of Indira Gandhi. In his autobiography, Nice Guys Finish Second, he wrote that Chaliha belonged to an earlier generation of Congressmen that had a different set of values. They considered national interest above party interests which was now not so with the present generation of Congressmen. This was a clear indictment of vote bank politics. Thirty years later, as Governor of Assam, I also took up this issue. I submitted a 42 page report to the President of India. I made 15 specific recommendations to check the danger posed by the unabated influx of illegal migrants from Assam not only to the demography of Assam but also to the Nation's security. These recommendations included the repeal of IMDT Act, border fencing, introducing photo identity cards at least in the border districts and updating national register of citizens. My recommendations were ignored. Congress legislators in Assam appealed to the President calling for my recall. Ultimately, the IMDT Act was struck down by the Supreme Court quoting extensively from my report but the Government brought it back through the backdoor, by amending the Foreigner's Act. The fencing of the 260 kilometer land border in Assam supposed to have started in 1985, is not yet fully complete. While I was Governor of J & K, the Army completed a much more sophisticated fencing of 750 kilometers of the border, in far more difficult terrain. As for photo identity cards and national registere of citizens, no action whatsoever has been taken.
There has been total lack of political will to take any action to stop the demographic aggression in Assam due to vote bank considerations. On 10 April 1992, Hiteshwar Saikia the then Chief Minister of Assam stated in the State Assembly that there were 3 million illegal immigrants in Assam. Two days later he was pressurized to say to the Press that there were no illegal immigrants in Assam. On 6 May 1997 the then Union Home Minister, Indrajit Gupta, told the Parliament that there were 1 crore illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in India. On 15 July 2004 K P Jaiswal the Minister of State for Home told the Parliament that there were 1.2 crore illegal immigrants in the country. The following day Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was in Guwahati. Obviously under the influence of local Congressmen, he stated that the figures mentioned by his junior Minister in the Parliament were not authentic. A week later Jaiswal told the Parliament that he had quoted figures on the basis of hearsay.
The root cause of militancy and Jehadi violence in Assam has been illegal migration from Bangladesh. For the sake of votes, the ruling party has not only been turning a Nelson's eye to the problem but has been encouraging it.
The influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh into Assam continues unabated. The demographic contour of all the border districts, particularly in Lower Assam has changed radically. In many of these districts Bangladeshis are now in a majority. The district of Dhubri which abuts the sensitive Siliguri corridor, called the Chicken Neck,has a 70% Bangladeshi Muslim population. The consequence of this for the entire land mass of the North East can be most serious. It vitally affects not only the people of Assam but the entire Nation. Apart from the Government required totake stringent measures against Jehadi terrorism all the country, it must take prompt concrete measures on a war footing, to counter the unabated influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh into Assam.
Lt Gen SK Sinha (Retd)
It is always a treat to read or listen to what Gen Sinha has been writing and saying….
Thinking General and understating soldier do not fit into the scheme of things of the elites as was abundantly clear from the nasty article Ms Arundhatti Ghosh had written in the Tribune. The elites and politicians live in expediency either farting or firefighting. They have deliberately not allowed institutions, academia, and standing mechanism who could think about national problems and suggest something beyond routine administrative measure. Our bureaucracy have assumed that mantle which is not theirs and failed miserably to administer which is forte. They have divided the entire country into “we” and “they” wherein there is no place for thinking and dissent in the frame called “we”..
This is high time for Indian Polity to decide whoes country is this anyway..? the present monolith of “we” has been broadbased on caste and social justice lines but not on the functional lines. Broadbasing the “we” on functional lines is equally important for the health of the Country and society
The fact is that the top IAS functionaries squander all their energy and leverage with the political executive for turf protection. That the army is the last bastion doesn't mean it is the only bastion of the country. But unfortunately the All India Services(IAS & IPS)have abdicated as if the Army is the 'First Bastion'.
Even this pay fracas was the result of 'lets garner for ourselves, the army can always look after itself'. Little realising that the remaining vestiges of trust between the forces and bureaucracy stand completely shattered.What an utterly irresponsible thing to do!
It is the biggest problem with service officer cadre that they always curse the outsiders for their condition. firstly not even 5 percent of officers are aware that what is happeining to them they are just busy in either trying to earn 9 pointer ACR or they are too young to think.
have you ever seen your own Cols and Gens how they behave. they forget all parity when they deal with junior baboos because their own interests are affected secondaly why do you peoples keep sweating unncessarily ohhhhh just because you less blead in war but my intelligen brother forget that you will need blead any more because china and pak are friends now and india is a super power because SINGH IS KING. so forget do not trouble yourself so when you are in peace areas just relax and do 10 to 5 job.
and when you go feild do as the CPMF are doing have you ever seen them going for patrolling in the night after ROP duties inspite of that they are senior now. so tell all your bosses to stop jumping when they see the two star and on ribbon in khaki.
forget india does not require defence forces at least that is what you can make out in the last 40 days if not then you are really dumb. no body from govt is even bothered to talk about you. media is just interested in that purohit only as if all other lt col are also culprit.