A young Indian Air Force pilot has been decorated with a Shaurya Chakra, India’s third highest ‘peacetime’ gallantry award, for his safe recovery of a damaged MiG-29 fighter last year. This is the third known time the canopy has blown off an IAF MiG-29 in flight over the decades.
First, here’s the official citation on Flight Lieutenant Aman Singh Hans’s award:
On 28 Mar 24, the officer was authorised to fly a long range ferry mission on MiG-29 aircraft by dark night, towards Exercise Gagan Shakti-24. After 20 minutes of flying time, at an altitude of 28,000 feet (8.5 km), the pilot felt a sudden blast in the cockpit with aircraft Head Up Display and visual reference to fly, blanking off. He realised that the canopy of the aircraft had flown off, exposing him to severe weather conditions with temperatures of minus 35° – 40° Celsius, dangers of decompression sickness, hypoxia and wind blast affecting eyes at that altitude and high speeds. In this grave situation, he maintained his composure and quickly took control of the aircraft. While flying on head down instruments, he announced the emergency using standby radio control, kept clear of the civil flying in the proximity and descended to a lower altitude of 3 km with no radio reception and severe pain in the eyes. He conveyed the flight information with utmost clarity to the controlling agencies and took prompt decision to land at the nearest airbase. He correctly assessed aircraft weight required for landing due to heavy fuel configuration and made a safe landing at the earliest. Despite imminent danger to his own self and inhospitable environmental conditions, he displayed astute presence of mind, controlled the aircraft and initiated the recovery. His prompt actions and exemplary situational awareness led to the recovery of the aircraft which otherwise could have been catastrophic, leading to loss of an asset to the IAF and collateral damage to civilian property. For an act of exceptional courage, displaying indomitable valour and exemplary gallantry beyond call of duty, Flight Lieutenant Aman Singh Hans is awarded with ‘Shaurya Chakra’.
MiG-29s entered service with the IAF in 1987, with just under 70 aircraft active across a handful of squadrons. Most of the jets have been through an upgrade with the IAF now contemplated a further upgrade of a squadron’s worth of the fighters with fresh ground attack capabilities.
The IAF MiG-29 is no stranger to canopy blow-outs. The last time this happened was June 2016 when IAF Squadron Leader Rijul Sharma managed to save his MiG-29 after the canopy blew off during a supersonic run. Sqn Ldr Sharma received a Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) for his handling of the damaged jet. A detailed first-hand account of his experience was reported first here on Livefist and later in even greater detail in India’s Most Fearless 1 by Livefist founder Shiv Aroor.

The first known in-flight canopy loss on an IAF MiG-29 was in 1994 when then Squadron Leader V.R. Chaudhari (later Chief of the Air Staff) was Flight Commander of the 28 Squadron. You can read our detailed piece about that incident here.
There has been nothing by way of crash reports of documentation to suggest a single cause for the canopy incidents, with investigations pointing variously to design flaws, operational protocol, maintenance procedures and pilot safety training.
Our Airforce Pilots are highly trained,the best in the World. They know exactly how to handle situations.
Kudos to Our Flight Lieutenant Aman Singh Hans Sir.
Blessed are the Parents who have given birth to such dedicated Officers.
There is at least one more…in 1996, i lost my canopy at around 6 Kms/700kmph, during an Air Test. I was the CO of the Sqn and coincidentally, ACM V Chaudhari was the Flt Cdr. The ac had been put down after an air test, by Chau, for lifting of Canopy. I felt obligated to fly the recheck, after rectification . Of course, all the manifestation of a canopy blow out was there with the addition of a few jagged ends of the remnants of canopy wildly fluttering on the frame and flying out every once in a while. Thankfully, I had lowered my visor and post flight revealed serious pitting of the visor. One shrapnel had lodged itself between the the headrest and my neck. I could sense wetness from bleeding. Didn’t cause much damage though. All CBs located behind the headrest had popped which meant I had to lower landing gear on emergency pneumatics. A subsequent modification provided a cover to to the CB panel to preclude their popping in such an emergency. Got a pat on the back by the AoC and a letter of appreciation from the SASO!
Mig 29 is a powerful fighter jet and could be kept flying with upgrades and spares when the air frame is still airworthy.
More over each recovered plane gives useful spares for other aircrafts in service. Good no assets are lost but canopy blow off is serious and problem needs to be fixed well so no repeat happens.
A very brave act performed by Flight Lieutinent Hans showing his great presence of mind.
Keep it up Flight Lieutenant ✈️ Hansto earn more and more laurels for you.
My sincere regards,
So happy that the brave pilot is safe, thanks
After the breakup of the Soviet union, Russians are not able to maintain,the old military junk and can’t produce a high-tech military hardwares.it is only India relying heavily upon Those bolt bucket military equipments from Russia paying them exorbitant amount.russians are not good old friends but hawkers now.
Sometime this accident occurs and pilots not able to emergency eject do to this technical snags.most of pilot loose their life because of non opening of top glass.in such situation there is some emergency system to break open top Dom.simple example is a Hamer kept near emergency door.in twin pilots it can be done some better ways. In recent bollywood movie sky force it is shown capt.veer not able open emergency exit gkass
Brave stories must be reached today’s young minds to boost enthusiasm,courage &
Dedication…hats off to ISF pilots courage&inteligence..
Hats off to the courage and dedication of Ft Lt Hans. I can’t imagine this is even possible at that height with such acute temperatures and air pressures. He deserves all the accolades.
Salute to these bravehearts of the motherland. Jai Hind, Jai Hind ki Sena
In defence forces of equipment wear and tear, regular maintenance is required to save the lives of pilots, in air force,navy and army too. Plans must be to scrap old ones after 7 years, instead upgrade them
Kyun udda rhe ho teh kabaad. Govt cares so less for its trained pilots..please junk them. And don’t put sons of mother’s in unnecessary risk..
Great…Flt Lt Aman Singh shown exemplary talent, coolness & having followed the emergency procedures, has done a highly commendable safe landing. Kudos to the young lad…God bless you with best of life..
Wg Cdr Badrinath B Pandurangi (Retd)
Met officer
Very brave pilot. Keep sharing such stories.
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