RETROPHOTO: INS Hansa Turns 50 Next Week

Nothing like a stack of old B/W photos from squadrons and bases. This is a small bunch released by the navy today on INS Hansa ahead of its golden jubilee on September 5. Will post more over the weekend. From top (1) Reading of commissioning warrant (2) Nehru visits INS Hansa at Sulur, 1963 (3) Welcoming 1971 heroes back after ops (4) Commander B.D. Law, INS Hansa’s first commanding officer (5) Foundation stone ceremony of INS Hansa.

6 thoughts on “RETROPHOTO: INS Hansa Turns 50 Next Week”

  1. shiv..a bit off topic….ok a lot…but whats this the ToI is reporting about NATO wanting to share missile defence with us??

  2. SoftWords BigStick

    To the question about foundation stone marked as "Coimbatore" — INS Hansa was commissioned on September 5, 1961, at Sulur near Coimbatore and then shifted to Goa on June 18, 1964.

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