Squadron Leader Dharmendra Singh Tomar, who went down in a MiG-29 on October 18, is dead. Sources tell Headlines Today that body parts were found today at the crash site in the Chokhang Mountains in Lahaul-Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Hope had always been bleak a couple of days after the crash, considering the terrain he went down in. Since the crash, I’ve gotten to know several of Sqn Ldr Tomar’s friends, coursemates and seniors in the IAF. Heartfelt condolences to his family. R.I.P.
Rest in peace Dharmendra.
he is not dead
Bhagwan tommar ke parensts ko ye dukh bardasht karne ki shakti de
May he rest in peace.
My heartfelt condolences to the family members of the deceased.
May the almighty give strength to his family and friends to bear the loss.
May his brave soul rest in Peace.
the motherland lost another of its brave sons..RIP
RIP Tomar!!!!! you are a proud son of this land..
Rest in Peace , my brave friend . Full sympathies for the family and God bless the parents for giving Bharat a maharathi.
I would like to have a honest and complete enquiry on what went wrong ? and why only two planes left for a late night exercise ?
R.I.P Squadron Leader Dharmendra Singh Tomar.
R.I.P Squadron Leader Dharmendra Singh Tomar.
RIP Soldier!
May the god give all the strength to the warrior family…
Hats off to IAF and HAWS for SAR mission for more than 3 weeks…Where in the world can we find such institutions…
no wards to say . . . . :'(
Blue skies…..
hard news…we lost a brave hero, the reason for this tragedy had to be find…
To the brave son of INDIA and the Airforce…I Salute
The incident is really sad.
But before blaming the MIGS we have to go deep in to the matter. Apart from India, countries like Vietnam , North Korea , Romania have a large number of old version Migs. In those countries the Migs have a good flying records with negligible crash incidents. Then why it is these jets have poor flying records in India?
The incident is really sad.
But before blaming the MIGS we have to go deep in to the matter. Apart from India, countries like Vietnam , North Korea , Romania have a large number of old version Migs. In those countries the Migs have a good flying records with negligible crash incidents. Then why it is these jets have poor flying records in India?
So sad.
Bhagwan aapki aatma ko shanti dey
Really sad to hear the news..
may his soul rest in peace.
RIP mate……..don't know what to say…….
Rest in Peace dear.
R.I.P Bro…….
Sorry to here about the death of this pilot.IAF seriously needs to train the pilots better.There is too many crashes of military jets .
RIP Brave Soldier.
Mother India lost a son
Rest in peace Dharmendra. Hope the investigations are conclusive about the cause of failure.
aap sab log bina matlab me chillate hain. itna bhi nahi jaante ki is sab ki jad me corruption hai. har jagah. sub-standard cheejen-purje sab khapa diye jaate hain…
Rest In Peace..
Mother India lost a brave son. RIP Dharmendra…
from deep in my heart my condolances to his family
Heartfelt Condolences to the family of our Brave Hero.
R.I.P. TomarJi
we miss u sonu bhaiya…
Rest in Peace
You belonged to the most elite group of real heroes i.e. of a FIGHTER PILOT. In heavens again you will be placed in the elitest of them all. 21 GUN SALUTE…………………
i must tell u that he was very close to me and yet there are no DNA proofs for the surity of his death there was a small piece of flash found in the ice and when his father asked a part of it for confirmation with his own blood they iaf people refused to give it ……why so idonno
not yet any DNA proofs are found for suerity i must tell u when his father asked for that body part for DNA test with his own blood they IAF refused to give it. i donno why??
miss you
misss you
Rest in Peace.